Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Dragon's Tounge Teriyaki

 This eastern inspired recipe is something that took myself a couple years to perfect. I may not have any formal culinary training but I know altering a staple in foodology is risky business. I'm a cajun boy who loves his spicy food but I also love my Chinese food as well. So I sought out to make a spicy teriyaki stir fry. But the spice had to fall in melody with teriyaki, the vegies and the meat being served with it. Thus explains the recipe's name and special ingredient; a single fresh habanero pepper. If you're not really into spicy food this recipe is still good minus the habanero, but now the name loses all meaning. Anywho, lets get hungry. You will need...           

                                                              - a green, red, yellow and orange bell pepper
                                                              - a small fresh Habanero pepper
                                                              - carrots (shredded or chopped)
                                                              - fresh broccoli spears
                                                              - 1/4 of a whole onion
                                                              - soy sauce
                                                              - teriyaki marinade and glaze
                                                              - garlic powder or garlic salt
                                                              - olive oil

    It is only fair I warn you that preparation involves carefully cutting vegetables for a while. So while your rice is cooking (I prefer white Jasmine rice) pull out your cutting boards and julienne your bell peppers. The peppers make this dish an attractive entree. Cut you broccoli spears as you please and dice your 1/4 of whole onion. If cooking with a habenero you will need to cut a single pepper in half because you will only be cooking with half of a pepper. Dice your desired half and sprinkle over the veggies in the pot with the seeds. Those habanero seeds are very important. I would prefer you set your sauce pan to a med or med-high setting, apply a little olive oil in the pan. Onions in pan first, then carrots, peppers and broccoli. Now you add your salt, pepper and garlic powder with a few quick squirts of soy and a few splashes of teriyaki marinade. Add a half cup of water and put a lid on the pan. Allow the steam to cook down the vegetable but turn down the heat if burning occurs. Generously stir.

  You might be wondering at this point "WHERE'S THE MEAT?" This recipe works with any type of desired meat choice or just as-is with veggies and rice. If serving with fish I would prefer you bake your fish with a generous amount of butter and season with garlic salt and cover with teriyaki gravy when done. Chicken and beef can be precooked in a separate skillet then transferred into the stir fry until thoroughly cooked. Once the peppers are cooked and soaking up the teriyaki gravy the pot is ready to be served. The teriyaki has a daring spicy flavor. Those who like spicy things will love this recipe. This stir fry looks astonishing on a bed of white Jasmine rice. FINISH HIM!


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